Italian Yacht Painting s.r.l.

“An artisan company that, thanks to its organizational skills, operates in the Italian and international field with the most rigorous respect for the environment.
Its highly qualified staff is able to carry out all pre and post painting processes quickly and with high professionalism in all maintenance and refitting projects of luxury boats all over the world.
Italian Yacht Painting s.r.l. continues to invest in technology to keep up with the times and to guarantee excellent final results.
A motivated team with a strong passion that puts its experience at the customer’s disposal and that allows you to always meet the deadlines in the delivery of the work. “

Our history

We grow fast

Italian Yacht Painting s.r.l. thanks to its organizational skills it operates in the Italian and international field with the most rigorous respect for the environment.



Customer satisfaction

Quality control

Equipped for the best final result!

The quality of the painting processes is guaranteed by constant checks carried out with our specific equipment.

We are able to monitor:
Coating film thickness.
Gloss color.
Delta T.
Support temperature, air and humidity percentage.
Corrosion resistance test.

Our future

We invest in technology and staff quality

Italian Yacht Painting s.r.l. uses the best performing products and continues to invest in technology and in the professionalism of the staff to keep up with the times and be able to guarantee excellent final results. A close-knit, motivated and passionate team that puts its experience at the customer’s disposal in all luxury boat painting projects all over the world.



Full Service

Resin finishing, sanding, painting and polishing.


Metallic painting.

Speed of execution.

Respect of deadlines in the delivery of works.


Highly qualified personnel.